TCLab Exercises Report Template


This report presents the key findings and insights from the TCLab exercises as part of the “Principles of Automatic Controls” course. These exercises are designed to provide hands-on experience in control systems using the Temperature Control Lab (TCLab) kit.

Exercise Summaries

The following sections summarize each exercise, highlighting the main objectives, methods used, and conclusions drawn.

[Exercise Title]

  • Exercise Link: [Link to the specific exercise on the course website]
  • Objectives: [Briefly state the objectives of this exercise]
  • Methods Used: [Describe the methods or approaches used in the exercise]
  • Key Findings: [Summarize the key findings or results from the exercise]
  • Personal Insights: [Discuss any personal insights or learning outcomes from completing this exercise]

[Next Exercise Title]

  • Exercise Link: [Link to the next exercise]
  • Objectives: […]
  • Methods Used: […]
  • Key Findings: […]
  • Personal Insights: […]

Challenges and Solutions

[In this section, discuss any challenges encountered during the exercises and how you addressed them. This might include troubleshooting technical issues, conceptual difficulties, or application of theory to practice.]

Application of Theory to Practice

[Discuss how these exercises helped bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. Reflect on how this hands-on experience has enhanced your understanding of control systems.]


[Conclude your report with a summary of your overall experience with the TCLab exercises, emphasizing the most significant learnings and how they relate to the broader context of the course.]