
  • Given a system with transfer function $G(s) = \frac{N(s)}{D(s)}$: in order for a system to be stable, all the roots of its characteristic equation $D(s)=0$ must have $Re < 0$
  • The roots of the characteristic equation $D(s)=0$ are the poles of the transfer function $G(s)$.

For example:

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{s+a}$$

whose inverse Laplace transform to get the time domain representation is:

$$\mathcal{L}^{-1}(G(s)) = e^{-at} = e^{st}$$

  • if $a > 0$, the system is stable: signals go to zero as time goes to infinity.

  • if $a < 0$, the system is unstable: the response of the system goes to infinity.

We can have more complex transfer functions:

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{s+a}\frac{1}{s+b}\frac{1}{s+c}...$$

and we know that we can always simplify a transfer function using partial fraction expansion:

$$G(s) = \frac{A}{s+a} + \frac{B}{s+b} + \frac{C}{s+c}...$$


$$\mathcal{L}^{-1}(G(s)) = Ae^{-at} + Be^{-bt} + Ce^{-ct}...$$

If there is one root that is unstable, the system is unstable.

  • We know that we can determine the stability of the system calculating the roots of the characteristic equation

  • Calculating the roots of a polynomial for $n>2$ is time consuming, and possibly even impossible in closed form


  • We would like to determine stability (hence the roots of $D(s)=0$) without solving for the roots directly

  • This is where the Routh-Hurwitz criterion can help us

Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion

All the roots of a polinomial have $Re<0$ if and only if a certain set of algebraic combinations (i.e. fill out the RH array) of its coefficients have the same signs

  • The Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion is a mathematical test that is a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of a linear time invariant (LTI) control system
  • Determine whether all the roots of the characteristic polynomial of a linear system have negative real parts
  • The importance of the criterion is that the roots $p$ of the characteristic equation of a linear system with negative real parts represent solutions $e^{pt}$ of the system that are stable (bounded).
  • The criterion provides a way to determine if the equations of motion of a linear system have only stable solutions, without solving the system directly


$$G(s) = \frac{N(s)}{D(s)}$$

  • If all the signs of the coefficients are NOT the same, then the system is unstable

    • e.g. $s^5+3s^3-4s^2+s+1$ $\rightarrow$ unstable
  • If all the signs are the same, then the system can be stable or unstable

For example:

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{(s^2-s+4)(s+2)(s+1)}$$

the roots are $0.5\pm j1.9365$ (unstable roots), $-2, -1 \Rightarrow$ we have two roots with $Re > 0$.

If we write the characteristic equation however:

$$s^4+2s^3+3s^2+10s+8 = 0$$

  • All coefficients have the same sign. We need to use the RHC and populate the Routh array

Routh-Hurwitz array

A tabular method can be used to determine the stability when the roots of a higher order characteristic polynomial are difficult to obtain.

For an $n$th-degree polynomial

$$ D(s)=a_{n}s^{n}+a_s^+\cdots +a_{1}s+a_{0} $$

the table has $n + 1$ rows and the following structure:

$s^n$ $a_{n}$ $a_{n-2}$ $a_{n-4}$ $...$
$s^{n-1}$ $a_{n-1}$ $a_{n-3}$ $a_{n-5}$ $...$
$...$ $b_1$ $b_2$ $b_3$ $...$
$...$ $c_1$ $c_2$ $c_3$ $...$
$s^{1}$ $...$ $...$ $...$ $...$
$s^{0}$ $...$ $...$ $...$ $...$

where the elements $b_{i}$ and $c_{i}$ can be computed as follows:

$$ {\displaystyle b_{i}={\frac {a_{n-1}\times {a_{n-2i}}-a_{n}\times {a_{n-(2i+1)}}}{a_{n-1}}}.} $$$$ {\displaystyle c_{i}={\frac {b_{1}\times {a_{n-(2i+1)}}-a_{n-1}\times {b_{i+1}}}{b_{1}}}.} $$
  • When completed, the number of sign changes in the first column will be the number of non-negative roots.


$$G(s) = \frac{1}{(s^2-s+4)(s+2)(s+1)} = \frac{1}{s^4+2s^3+3s^2+10s+8}$$

$s^4$ $1$ $3$ $8$
$s^{3}$ $2$ $10$
$s^2$ $\frac{2\cdot3-1\cdot10}{2}=-2$ $\frac{2\cdot8-1\cdot0}{2}=8$
$s^{1}$ $\frac{-2\cdot10-2\cdot8}{-2}=18$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $\frac{18\cdot8-2\cdot0}{2}=8$
  • Determine the number of roots in RHP by counting the number of sign changes in the first column: the are two sign changes, hence there are two roots with $Re>0$
  • The system is unstable.

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{s^4+2s^3+3s^2+4s+5}$$

$s^4$ $1$ $3$ $5$
$s^{3}$ $2$ $4$ $0$
$s^2$ $\frac{2\cdot3-1\cdot4}{2}=1$ $\frac{2\cdot5-1\cdot0}{2}=5$
$s^{1}$ $\frac{1\cdot4-2\cdot5}{1}=-6$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $\frac{-6\cdot5-1\cdot0}{-6}=5$
  • We have two roots with $Re>0$

  • Roots: $-1.28\pm j0.858, 0.28\pm j1.416$

Routh-Hurwitz criterion: special cases

Special case 1)

  • A zero in a row with at least one non-zero appearing later in the row
  • The system is always unstable
  • We can still fill out the table to know how many are unstable

  • Example 1:

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{1s^4+2s^3+0s^2+3s+4}$$

$s^4$ $1$ $0$ $4$
$s^{3}$ $2$ $3$ $0$
$s^2$ $\frac{2\cdot0-1\cdot3}{2}=\frac{-3}{2}$

We can already say that the system is unstable

  • Example 2: $$G(s) = \frac{1}{1s^4+2s^3+2s^2+4s+5}$$
$s^4$ $1$ $2$ $5$
$s^{3}$ $2$ $4$ $0$
$s^2$ $0 \rightarrow \epsilon$ $5$
$s^{1}$ $\frac{\epsilon\cdot4-2\cdot5}{\epsilon}$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $5$
  • To calculate the coefficients we need to calculate the values for $\lim \limits_{\epsilon\rightarrow0} $
$s^4$ $1$ $2$ $5$
$s^{3}$ $2$ $4$ $0$
$s^2$ $0^+$ $5$
$s^{1}$ $4-\frac{10}{\epsilon} = -\infty$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $5$
  • We have two roots with $Re > 0$

Special case 2)

  • An entire row is zeros

$$G(s) = \frac{1}{1s^5+2s^4+6s^3+10s^2+8s+12}$$

$s^5$ $1$ $6$ $8$
$s^4$ $2$ $10$ $12$
$s^{3}$ $1$ $2$ $0$
$s^2$ $6$ $12$ $0$
$s^{1}$ $0$ $0$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $?$
  • There are only 3 possible conditions that can lead to a Routh array with all zeros in a row:
    • two real roots, equal and opposite in sign $\Rightarrow$ unstable
    • two imaginary roots, that are complex conjugate of each other $\Rightarrow$ marginally stable - response is oscillatory
    • four roots that are all equal distance from the origin $\Rightarrow$ unstable
  • To determine the system stability:

  • Here is the original table: | | | | | | ------ | ------ | - | - | | $s^5$ | $1$ | $6$ | $8$ | | $s^4$ | $2$ | $10$ | $12$ | | $s^{3}$ | $1$ | $2$ | $0$ | | $s^2$ | $6$ | $12$ | $0$ | | $s^{1}$ | $0$ | $0$ | $0$ | | $s^{0}$ | $?$ | | |

    • We build the auxiliary polinomial using the row right above the one that is zero:
      • Those are the coefficients of the auxiliary polinomial
      • $p(s)=6s^2+12s^0=0 \rightarrow p(s)=s^2+2$
      • Note that we are skipping every other power
    • Take the derivative of $p(s)$: $\frac{d}{ds}p(s)=2s$ and replace the all zero row with the coefficient of $\frac{d}{ds}p(s)$
    • Complete the table as we would normally
$s^5$ $1$ $6$ $8$
$s^4$ $2$ $10$ $12$
$s^{3}$ $1$ $2$ $0$
$s^2$ $6$ $12$ $0$
$s^{1}$ $2$ $0$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $12$
  • No sign changes in the first column, hence no roots with $Re >0$.
  • This means that the system must have two imaginary roots and is marginally stable.

Additional comments:

  • The auxiliary polinomial $p(s)$ exists if and only if there is an all zero row in the routh array, and it is a factor of the original polinomial $q(s)$ (it divides the original polinomial with no reminder):


  • This makes it possible to calculate how many roots have $Re<0$, how many $Re=0$ and how many $Re>0$

  • We can determine $r(s) = \frac{q(s)}{p(s)}$ (polinomial division)

In our case:

$$ (s^5+2s^4+6s^3+10s^2+8s+12)\;\; :\;\; (s^2+2) $$


$$ r(s) = s^3 + 2s^2+4s+6 $$

and this means: $$ q(s)= (s^2+2)(s^3 + 2s^2+4s+6) $$

  • Only true if we have a row of all zeros, or we will have some non zero reminder when we do the division

If we now re-write our table here:

$s^5$ $1$ $6$ $8$
$s^4$ $2$ $10$ $12$
$s^{3}$ $1$ $2$ $0$
$s^2$ $6$ $12$ $0$
$s^{1}$ $2$ $0$ $0$
$s^{0}$ $12$
  • Any part of the table above the auxiliary polinomial $p(s)=6s^2+12 = s^2+2$ is due to the factor $r(s)=s^3 + 2s^2+4s+6$, and since there are not sign changes we can say that $r(s)$ is stable.
  • The other part of the table is due to the auxiliary polinomial $p(s)$: the number of sign changes after $p(s)$ in the table predicts the number of $Re>0$ roots for $p(s)$

  • Given that we have $p(s) = s^2+2 \Rightarrow s = \sqrt{-2} = \pm j\sqrt{2} \Rightarrow$ Two complex conjugate roots, the system is marginally stable (what we expected)

Practical uses: beyond stability

  • How can we use the Routh Criterion for more than just assessing stability

Suppose you have an open loop system:

$$ G(s) =\frac{1}{s^4+6s^3+11s^2+6s+2} $$

And we can verify its step response:

import control
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
sys =[1], [1, 6, 11, 6, 2])
T, yout = control.step_response(sys)
fig = plt.figure()

plt.plot(T, yout)
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

Design requirement:

  • improve system response time

We can add feedback:

  • $U(s)$ is the reference signal (e.g. desired angle, etc.)
  • Note that the feedback path is unitary: perfect sensor (it always knows the output signal (e.g. system angle) with no delay or error)
  • We want to tune the gain $K$ to get the response that we desire

    • Adjusting the gain increases the amplitude of the signal (err)
    • In an open loop linear system we can increase the amplitude "as much as we want" (it does not affect stability)
    • The feedback loop however changes the dynamics
  • Typical requirement: increase the gain large enough to meet our requirements (e.g. fastest response) while keeping the system stable

  • Let's assess the closed loop stability using RHC

    1. Simplify the block diagram: $$ \hat{G}(s) = \frac{\frac{K}{s^4+6s^3+11s^2+6s+2}}{1+\frac{K}{s^4+6s^3+11s^2+6s+2}} = \frac{K}{s^4+6s^3+11s^2+6s+2 + K} $$

    The new characteristic equation for the closed loop system is: $$ s^4+6s^3+11s^2+6s+2 + K = 0 $$

    1. Build the Routh array
$s^4$ $1$ $11$ $24+K$
$s^{3}$ $6$ $6$ $0$
$s^2$ $10$ $K+2$
$s^{1}$ $48-6K$
$s^{0}$ $K+2$
  • To have asymptotic stability:

    • $48-6K > 0 \rightarrow K < 8$
    • $K+2>0 \rightarrow K > -2$
    • Stability range is $-2 < K < 8$
  • When $K=-2$, we have a pole at the origin

  • When $K=8$, we have a pair of imaginary poles and the system is marginally stable

  • We know the gain margin that we have before the system becomes unstable

  • We do not know where the poles are exactly (we only know when they cross the imaginary axis)
K = 2 #8
sys =[K], [1, 6, 11, 6, 2+K])
T_k, yout_k = control.step_response(sys)
fig = plt.figure()

plt.plot(T, yout, label='original')
plt.plot(T_k, yout_k, label='feedback')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

Example 2

Suppose you have an open loop system:

$$ G(s) =\frac{1}{s^4+10s^3+35s^2+50s+24} = \frac{1}{(s+1)(s+2)(s+3)(s+4)} $$

And we can plot its step response:

sys =[1], [1, 10, 35, 50, 24])
T, yout = control.step_response(sys)
fig = plt.figure()

plt.plot(T, yout, label='original')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Response')

Design requirement:

  • improve system response time

We can add feedback:

  • $U(s)$ is the reference signal (e.g. desired angle, etc.)
  • Note that the feedback path is unitary: perfect sensor (it always knows the output signal (e.g. system angle) with no delay or error)
  • We want to tune the gain $K$ to get the response that we desire
    • Adjusting the gain increases the amplitude of the signal (err)
    • In an open loop linear system we can increase the amplitude as much as we want
    • The feedback loop however changes the dynamics
  • Typical requirement: increase the gain large enough to meet our requirements (e.g. fastest response) while keeping the system stable

  • Let's assess the closed loop stability using RHC

    1. Simplify the block diagram: $$ \hat{G}(s) = \frac{\frac{K}{s^4+10s^3+35s^2+50s+24}}{1+\frac{K}{s^4+10s^3+35s^2+50s+24}} = \frac{K}{s^4+10s^3+35s^2+50s+24 + K} $$

    The new characteristic equation for the closed loop system is: $$ s^4+10s^3+35s^2+50s+24 + K = 0 $$

    1. Build the Routh array
$s^4$ $1$ $35$ $24+K$
$s^{3}$ $10$ $50$ $0$
$s^2$ $\frac{10\cdot35-50}{10}=30$ $24+K$
$s^{1}$ $42-\frac{K}{3}$
$s^{0}$ $24+K$
  • How many sign changes?

    • $42-K/3 > 0 \rightarrow K < 126$
    • $K > -24$
    • and solving the system of equations: $K < 126$
  • When $K=-24$ we have a pole at the origin

  • When $K = 126$ the poles would be going from $Re<0$ to $Re>0$ (imaginary poles) and the system would be marginally stable


  • We know the gain margin that we have
  • We do not know where the poles are exactly (we only know when they cross the imaginary axis)
K = 126
sys =[K], [1, 10, 35, 50, 24+K])
T_k, yout_k = control.step_response(sys)
fig = plt.figure()

plt.plot(T, yout, label='original')
plt.plot(T_k, yout_k, label='feedback')
plt.xlabel('Time (s)')

Having additional requirements: time to half

  • Speed of the response depends on the position of the poles on the real axis
    • The further from the imaginary axis, the faster the response (true for both stable and unstable poles)
    • When $s=j\omega$ (imaginary poles), the response is a sinusoid ($e^{j\omega}$ is a sinusoid)
    • the closer the poles are to the real axis, the slower the frequency of the response (i.e., slower oscillation)
  • The time to half is the time for a signal to half (or double, if unstable) the initial signal in magnitude
  • Typical requirement, especially when dealing with systems that interact with humans: the system should not be too fast or too slow to respond

  • A time to half requirements is a requirement on the real part of the poles

  • We would like the poles to be to the left of a line called the z-line

  • Set $s=z+\sigma_{des}$

    • When $z=0$, $s=+\sigma_{des}$, and the poles have the desired real part.
  • Given a characteristic equation $D(s)=0$ $$ s^3+5s^2+25s+30=0 $$

we replace $s=z+\sigma_{des}$ (e.g $\sigma_{des}$=-1)

$$ (z-1)^3+5(z-1)^2+25(z-1)+30=0 $$$$ \Downarrow $$$$ z^3+2z^2+18s+9=0 $$
  • We can now use the Routh array to verify if the system has any roots to the right of the z-line
$s^3$ $1$ $18$
$s^{2}$ $2$ $9$
$s^1$ $\frac{27}{2}$
$s^{0}$ $9$
  • No sign changes in the first column: all roots are to the left side of $s=-1$.

RHC Final Comments

  • RHC provides necessary and sufficient conditions to analyse the stability of a system
  • The stability analysis can be done with respect to any parameters of the system (including the gain $K$)
  • Building the routh array:
    • when we have an all zero row, the roots of the auxiliary polynomial are a subset of the roots of the original polinomial (i.e., of the characteristic equation of the system)
    • the roots of the auxiliary polynomial are symmetric with respect to the origin (i.e., wrt real and imaginary axis).