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Jupyter and Python

Installing Anaconda and dependencies to run the notebooks

  • Install Anaconda: Anaconda Download Page

  • Refer to the Anaconda documentation for more information here

  • Open a terminal window:

    • Windows: From the Start menu, search for and open “Anaconda Prompt”
    • MacOS/Linux: Click the terminal icon.
  • Once in a terminal,

    • create an environment: conda create --name env-automatic-control python=3.9
    • activate it: conda activate env-automatic-control
  • Install everything that is needed

    • Jupyter notebook:

      conda install -c conda-forge notebook

    • Standard engineering libraries:

      python -m pip install matplotlib numpy pandas

      conda install numpy scipy matplotlib # if not yet installed

      conda install -c conda-forge control

      conda install -c anaconda sympy

You are set up!

Going back to work (opening your Jupyter notebooks)

  • Open a terminal window:

    • Windows: From the Start menu, search for and open “Anaconda Prompt”
    • MacOS/Linux: Click the terminal icon.
  • Move to yur project folder (e.g. cd /Users/<USERNAME>/MyProject/)
    (if you need to find out how to find your folder path in Windows read below: "Note: To find out where is your folder in Windows")

  • Activate your conda environment: conda activate env-automatic-control

  • Run: jupyter notebook

A new tab in your browser should open up automatically showing the jupyter home folder (your current folder). If it does not open, open your favourite brower and type: localhost:8888 in the browser address bar. Sometime jupyter requires a token - this is automatically created when jupyter is started. Look back to your terminal window right after the command jupyter notebook there should be a line similar to:

To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

Copy and paste one of the last two addresses in your browser to start your jupyter session.

You are ready to start coding!

Note: To find out where is your folder in Windows:

  • Open Windows Explorer and go inside the folder you need
  • Right click on the address path and right-click
  • Select "copy address as text" (see picture below)
  • Go back to your Anaconda prompt and paste it (remember to type cd first!)


The Control Problem

  • Systems and control systems
  • Three problems:

    • system identification problem
    • simulation problem
    • control Problem
  • Why do we need feedback control

LTI systems

  • Homogeneity
  • Superposition (Additivity)
  • Time Invariance

  • Impulse Response

    LTI systems can be characterised by their response to an impulse function (the output of the system when presented with a brief input signal)

Transfer Functions

  • Laplace domain representation of a system

    Definition:Transfer function is the Laplace transform of the impulse response of a linear, time-invariant system with a single input and single output when you set the initial conditions to zero.

  • State space vs Transfer functions
  • Laplace Transform

The Laplace transform is important because it is a tool for solving differential equations: it transforms linear differential equations into algebraic equations, and convolution into multiplication!

  • Derivatives and integrals become algebric operations

From a system perspective, the Transfer function expresses the relation between the Laplace Transform of the input and that of the output:

$$ Y(s)=\mathbf{c}^T(s\mathbf{I}-\mathbf{A})^{-1} \mathbf{b} U(s) $$

  • Properties of the Laplace Transform (relationships between time and frequency)

    • $\frac{df}{dt}(t) \rightarrow sF(s)$
    • $af(t)$ + $bg(t) \rightarrow aF(s)+bG(s)$
  • Laplace transforms of known functions:

    • $\delta(t) \rightarrow 1$
    • $1(t) \rightarrow \frac{1}{s}$
    • $e^{-at} \rightarrow \frac{1}{s+a}$
    • ...

Stability and other properties

  • System $G(s)$ is asymptotically stable if all its poles have $Re<0$
  • System $G(s)$ is stable if all its poles have G(s) $Re \le 0$ and if those with $Re=0$ have multiplicity one.
  • System $G(s)$ is unstable if it has at least one pole with $Re>0$ or with $Re=0$ and multiplicity $\ge 2$.
  • BIBO stability:
    • A system is BIBO stable (Bounded Input, Bounded Output) if for each limited input, there is a limited output
    • For linear systems: BIBO stability if and only if poles of the transfer functions have $Re<0$
  • Stability of a system in a state space representation
  • Controllability (Reachability)
  • Observability

Block diagrams

  • Standard representation of interconnected systems and subsystems using Transfer Functions
  • Block diagram algebra (serie, parallel, feedback) and equivalent block diagrams
  • Zero-poles cancellations
  • Impact on stability and other properties

System Response

  • Dominant pole approximation
  • First-order and second-order systems

    • First-order systems: step response and performance
    • time constant ($\tau$) - Characterises completely the response of a first order system
    • settling time: $t_s = -\tau ln(0.05)$ (time to get to 95% of steady state)

    • Second order systems: step response and performance

    • More parameters to define performance: max overshoot, time of max overshoot, settling time, oscillation period

Frequency response

  • Assuming that the system is asymptotically stable,
  • If we input a sinusoid $Asin(\omega t)$
  • The output of the system converges $y(t)=A|G(j\omega)|sin(\omega t + \angle G(j\omega) ) $
  • $G(j\omega)$ is the frequency response
  • If we know magnitude and phase of $G(j\omega)$ (for varying $\omega$) then we know how the system behaves for all sinusoidal inputs with different driving frequencies.

Bode plots

  • Frequency Response and Bode Plots

    • analysing the gain and the phase shift across the full frequency spectrum
    • gain diagram and phase diagram
  • Leverages the properties of transfer functions and of logarithms:

    • The transfer function of linear systems are polynomial fractions in $s$
    • It is always possible to factor polynomials in terms of their roots (zeros and poles)
    • Each polynomial is the product of first-order or second-order (potentially with multiplicity $>$ 1)
    • To build the frequency response of the system is useful to have simple rules to represent each term
    • The logarithm of a product is equal to a sum of logarithms
      • remember to convert gain to dB: $|G(j\omega)|_{dB}=20log_{10}|G(j\omega)|$
  • Sketching Bode Plots

    • Given a transfer function $G(s)$ we can obtain the (steady state) frequency response setting $s=j\omega \rightarrow G(j\omega)$
    • $G(j\omega) = \text{real} + \text{imag}j $
    • Gain: $\sqrt{\text{real}^2 + \text{img}^2} = |G(j\omega)|$
    • Phase: $atan2(\text{img}, \text{real}) = arg(G(j\omega)) = \angle G(j\omega)$
    • Our building blocks:
      • constant gain
      • integrator
      • simple pole
      • complex poles
      • specular behaviour for the zeros (properties of the logarithms)
      • Transform the trasnfer function to the Bode form before drawing the Bode plots!

Final value theorem and steady state error

  • Meaning of final value
  • Theorem: for an asymptotically stable LTI system: $ \lim\limits_{t \rightarrow \infty} x(t) = \lim\limits_{s \rightarrow 0} sX(s)$
  • System type: number of poles at the origin
  • Analysis of the final value for different system types and different inputs
  • For a feedback system: the final value of the error is a much better indicator of the performance of our controller

Diving deeper into the feedback loop

  • Included load disturbances and measurement noise in the feedback loop
  • Sensitivity function (feedback and disturbances / low frequency specifications)
  • Complementary sensitivity function (feedback and measurements / high frequency specifications)
  • Design requirements on the loop gain function $|R(s)G(s)|$

Routh-Hurwitz Criterion

  • Necessary and sufficient condition to analyse the stability of the systems without solving for the roots explicitely
  • Usage can be extended to beyond stability
    • Gain margins
    • Deal with requirement on the speed of the response (time to half)

Coming up next

  • Polar plots and the Nyquist plot
  • Stability margins
  • Root locus
  • PID controllers
  • Lead-lag/lad-lead compensators